
As If I Even Know What I'm Doing Here..Let alone you..

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Colorful messages: Thick Cream in Hot Coffee

Yea-- so I decided I should do occasional posts on some of the most colorful, lively, humorous and entertaining messages I get. Also, people are always asking me what kind of messages I get. I'm constantly clearing out my mailbox and deleting these precious gems. Since this is not done in any sort of ill intention--I'll be keeping the senders anonymous. But how can I not share these lovely tidbits that these young (sometimes old ) men send me with the Okc community. Love it.

1. 29/M
Your profile grabbed my attention, backed it up against the wall and kept it there in a precarious position. I don't believe I've ever gotten off reading a profile before, so congrats there. I do enjoy morning sex though so maybe that helps explain it.

The black against white is yin and yang -- I think about it every day when I pour thick cream into hot coffee. I need coffee seven days a week -- can't function without it.
Are you finding success on here? I'd love to hear a story or two. Of course there are other things I'd love more, like finding that g-spot and tasting what flows from it.

2. 21/M
You could corrupt me all you like, I'm a virgin lol

3. 22/M
So you think you're fiesty eh? Good point, when it comes to being fiesty, and how else would somebody who ain't fiesty write a message like that? Lol. The skin color contrast you speak of is exactly what I have been telling people for years. Not in those exact words, but something along the lines of "I just get some freaknasty to come out of me when I watch a white dick, go into a black pussy. It's almost as if it's wrong. That shouldnt' be going into there. In olden days this would be out of the question." That's the freak in me talking. Let's put him away. I;d rather chit chat with you, you're profile got me a little randy, and it came out in this message too easily. Lol. I know exactly who Vanessa Del Rio is. Ain't gonna lie though. You got curves and everything like 495, but it freaks me out when there ain't no face pic. You go crazy for white men, or at least you boast so on the profile. Wouldn't that just make me another blip on the radar. I'll bet I'm on a whole different type of white dude you met before though.

4. 25/M
I just wanted to say hello because your profile cracked me up and you seem to love swirling even more than I do!

Anyway, just wanted to let you know your profile is hilarious.

5. 27/MGeorge Clinton is in town next week. Going to go and shake your ass?

It's going to be my annual white guy dance party.

What to aspire NOT to be...

a Basic Bitch-- as my friend NC-17 reiterates over and over again..... do not bask in basicness, alright?

Kreasyshawn has it down pact--

These are some bad ass white girls--nothing but respect. Love this song.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

OkCupid: Indie music & suck my p*ssy for a porkchop


Yes, those are some actually lyrics...well not the Indie music--but the "Suck my pussy for a porkchop"--and I put that out there to address all the music haterz of our generation AND those who seem to think it's a race to list all the damn indie bands you know on your OKC profile to score you the most cool points. Let me ask this....who is gonna give a fuck?

*ahhmm* but for now let me get  to this music elitism shit...

Many times I've encountered individual who will actually talk about some music and artists and get MAD. I'm not talking about annoyed, I'm talking about PISSED off mad. They are mad that certain artists..like Soulja Boy and Wocka Flocka..get airtime and are famous and making $$$. They many times say things like 'it ain't real music' or 'hip-hop is dead'-- wahh wahh wahh cry me a river and shut the front door..the dinosaurs are dead also, AND what?  The point is, it doesn't matter.  No ..wait..scratch that.. the POINT is.. one can argue it IS real music, just like if you and your mama tried to make some music..and just because it's not like the music of before doesn't mean it's not REAL. YES it is some ignunt booty shakin' like a salt-shaker type music. BUT THERE are times in one's life where ONE NEEDS that type of music. When I'm on the dance floor trying to back my ILL NANA up onto some stick, you think I'm trying to listen to some socially/politically/philosophically conscious rhymes and lyrics. Can you guess the answer? Oh? No? You can't ---well, let me tell you. Hell.To.The. Nah. I'm over there in a mood that's saying "Suck my p*ssy for a pork chop..I need the dicky dicky dicky dicky.." or " I gotta shake on that stick, shake on that stick, bounce on that stick..." and etc.

YES! YES it IS ratchet, but everybody has their day or the day will come when they are in RATCHET moods. So if there are some music artist who cater to THAT particular mood, they are NO less an artist and it is NO less music. We have artists that cater to EVERY mood and emotion--heartbreak, love, depression, confusion, joy, happiness, etc.--but when it comes to horniness and gettin' buck and jumping on that monkey... or celebrating a big ol' ass-- we want to downplay? Give credit where credit is due ya'll.

Now you OkC smuts who like to list all these random ass indie bands who have names that look like 3rd grader's sentences...just stop listing them..just stop......s.t.o.p.

I know and bet you think you look cool as hell trying to name as many random obscure bands that you can... but it's wack. I bet half of you all made some of their names up too...just so you could look cool. I bet some of you all pulled them from other profiles and figured since you never heard of them....they are probably cool...and then it'll make you look cool and badass....since you found yet another obscure indie band.
And let's not forget your demonizing of the mainstream sell-out motherfuckas who have abandoned their indie roots. Yes, it is YOUR calling to CALL them out on Okcupid for their betraying action of saying YES to a big ass check. Those motherfuckin' traitors *Shakin' my head*. I don't know, maybe it's a culturally white thing or probably a subset of what hipsters do..but I'm just telling you--I'm not checking for your Indie band list, white boys. I'm just not.  I'm also not going to front like I am either--because that's wack. Sure there's probably some black girls that got that indie shit going on too..but they can kick rocks. And of course there's those that'll pretend they know who the hell those bands are...but then again, if you can't WIKI them then.... in my opinion, they ain't all that hot.

But you know what you all can do....you can suck my p*ssy fo' a pork chop! I said suck my p*ssy fo' a porkchop! Why yo dick so small? Because a b*tch gave you blue balls! Where the big d*cks at? Where the big d*cks at? Where dey at, where dey at, where dey at? It must be the money cuz it ain't yo d*ck! Oops...oops  there's some hair in your teeth, b*tch.
Ahhh yes, bask in the ignuncia a la ratchetness....

This was too funny to write.
That is all,

Friday, June 24, 2011

How sick is this? So the white man saves everyone pt. 2

This idiot responded with a white supremacist on a soap box response--that I just almost had a heart attack over---and for that reason, I must bow out of this debate because it's going to kill me.I can't reason with morons.  It's sad..really sad. There's just too DAMN much to respond to here that I'm just going to hand it over to the newstation/radio station.  Was it 2011 last time I checked? Anyway, this is just for you all's entertainment so you can check out some of the humans who you still share the same breathing air with.
Yea so if you all had not been following: This guy who's this pompous smug asshole just tried to dictate to me how the white man has improved the world enormously..and if it had not been for them the whole world would have been in chaos.
oh they helped them alright....

I almost had a heartattack. I HOPE most people out there don't think like this..

I would LOVE to discuss the reality of your comment at the end of this note.

Lets talk about the NATIVES and INDIGENOUS PEOPLES white men brought to CIVLIZATION.

1) Indigenous and Native peoples in recorded history have treated Women as second class citizen, dogs one might say, compared to their WHITE counterparts in the CIVILIZED World. Now women have always been treated sub par to men, even now, but the societies of natives/indigenous peopls COMPARED to the whites of their time ALWAYS treated their women LESS EQUALLY than the WHITES. NAME A PEOPLE AND A TIME and tell me when whites treated women worse? never happened, we actually ALLOW women to be EDUCATED, OWN PROPERTY, have inheritence. At any point in time, PRIMITIVE cultures like the native americans, incas, aztecs, AFRICAN TRIBES, ALL treated their women FAR INFERIOR to whites in terms of BASIC RIGHTS/QUALITY of living. In fact, it is STILL SEEN TODAY in muslim, african, chinese and native american cultures, where the women are SHUNNED and looked as MUCH LESS valuable than a man. Whites brought better chances of equality to women DONE.

2.) Lets talk about Africa. After the African Tribes sold their own people into slavery (this is what happened 95% of the time, whites didnt just go over with some big net and capture them) Africans went through slavery and inequality times over several years for what? Hmm.. The average african american lives at a FAR SUPERIOR standard of living than the average african. Why the hell is that? Africans that were ENSLAVED YEARS LATER somehow LIVING MUCH BETTER than the AFRICAN FREE MEN in AFRICA they were SOLD BY? I guess living with white people harmed the africans more huh? What about all the countries that kicked out their leadership that was white? Why is the northern part of africa have less poverty rates, better economy, education, etc than countries in middle sound east and west africa?

3) Why is it that the Indian(Asia) Culture (conquered by Whites), Chinese People (brought to power by Russians who supported communism), Japanese (conquered by whites), Mexicans/SouthAmericans (counquered by Europeans) , how the hell are all these RACES here in the USA, came here GENERATIONS AFTER BLACKS gained equal rights, doing far superior than the blacks in 1) Education 2) Standard of Living/Prosperity 3) Incarciration Rate 4) Health (Low STD Rate) 5) Less Single mothers who get abandoned by their fathers..... Is it because the "black" culture is INFERIOR to that of these other NON WHITE cultures? do these cultures THRIVE the WHITE MANS world after 1 Generation? Gee, White people do provide opportunity. (we are still 65% of the total population and started this USA you live in)

4.) Africa and Native Americans before Europeans,witness Thousands killed by HUMAN SACRIFICE, including that where the heart is cut out of the person alive, HUNDREDS of warring tribes fighting with each other. 1) No Education System 2) No Governing Structure to promote a Society 3) Lower Life Span 4) CONSOLIDATED LEGAL SYSTEM 5) I can go on here

Africa and Native Americans after Europeans 1) Longer Life Span 2) Structured Government 3) Society Structure that promoted INCREASED equality for opportunities amongst different classes of people, women, etc.

The cultures that still exist today, that are indigenous and "native" all treat women like second class citizens, these are non-little westernized cultures like Muslim nations, Africans, Primitive Asian Cultures

You are a complete moron and not even in the same LEAGUE as me to talk historical analysis, I completely DESTROYED your analysis of the white man HELPING PEOPLE. I just laid it all out. They did help people, the facts are there, the results are there, In every single case, the sacrifices the culture made initially were benefited from GENERATIONS into the future and the consequence was a HUGE BENEFIT To their culture for centuries to come.
Do blacks go back to try to be in old african culture? IF what the white man conquered was still tight, blacks and other races that hace cultures/traditions still remaining, would flock back, but thats not the case. They EMBRACE our culture of EQUALITY.

Look at EVERY SINGLE Culture left remaining untouched in the wilderness or practicing non western ways and you will see women treated like ANIMALS. When you do a race to race comparison over the last few hundreds of years, women in WHITE societies consistently have more rights on the average than women in primitive NON WHITE societies.

This is what you said..... "with a complete disregard for their ways, practices and standards." Answer : You GOD DAMN right he made them treat women with more equality, put a structured goernance, structured legal system, and structured EDUCATION SYSTEM SO PEOPLE CAN HAVE MORE KNOWLEDGE>>>MUCH BENIFIT !!!!! HELOOOOOOOOO

Historically white men thought it their duty to "help" natives and indigenous peoples, thinking that they were civilizing them and showing them THE WAY. Nope, you could not tell them any different, they KNEW they were right. Did these peoples ask for their help? No. But by God the White men knew what they were doing and were hell bent pressed on "helping them" with a complete disregard for their ways, practices and standards.

---- how sick is all of this?
If you care to write--here's his profile.

Excuse me, why do YOU care? Don't 'help' me. Pt. 1

***This is a like 4 part series of some ignorant asshole I encountered.. This could be excellent material for some like anti-racist academia seminar lol..***

So I received an actual annoying message from someone who thought they'd 'help' me. In all my stubborness and vanity, believe me-- I know when someone is genuinely trying to help me and when they are not.. in real life that is. Via the internet--there is no room for just 'helping' random cyber strangers on your journey to clicking the 'matches' icon-- it just doesn't happen. Therefore, there's no just 'randomly' helping people out on OkCupid- it's is some damn concerted effort, alright? Meaning, when I get messages from people who claim they are trying to 'help' me for my profile....that shit goes in one eyeball and out the other..because it's bullshit.

It is the internet-- if I want/need help-- I know how to ASK for it. I know how to write, motherfuckas. I know what the hell google is. I know I can 'google- how to get a man' and come up with 7 million + results and I'll take cues from ONE of them. Ok? This also means, unrequested/unsolicited 'help' is NOT help in my eyes. It's you being an annoying fuck. Did I ask you? No--no..wait--- did I ASK you for your help-- ? No, I didn't. So what the fuck are you doing and WHY the hell do you care?

When I wrote this profile, it's not like I sat there CLUELESS on what to write. I wrote what I wrote ON PURPOSE, and, unlike most people who write-- I knew why I was writing what I wrote and an idea of who'd it appeal to. I clearly state that it has different layers. Now, on one layer those with the simple un-evolved Neanderthal mind will see it as "hmmm Ms. Ebony Hornball took to writing some hot ass words", BUT the ones who get past that first layer will see that "Ah...LOL... my oh my, this chick is FUNNY...and she knows shock value...and she has wit...what a crisp writer given the content she used". You see, it's the smart/ perceptive person who realizes it's the content + form--- and not just the content.  They realize that the profile is just a soundboard for a creative humorous person, and NOT necessarily THE person. Get this-- it's someone who REALIZES that it's a literal profile, meaning one snap/side shot of you where you can spit some of the BEST of what you got via FORM. [ Definition of Profile: Represent in outline from one side] The content is the boring shit you talk about WHEN in person on your 'date'. THOSE are the people I'm checking for.  THOSE are the people who mostly write me--and I love it. So guess what? Mission accomplished, bitches.

Now, here is the example of the annoying message I got. Sometimes I write people wanting to be genuine friends. Such was the case here. I wrote a guy saying, "Friends!" or something to that sort, and then he came back saying, " Oh I see your popular..I saw all the awards." I was then like, " Oh, and is that a bad thing lol" and then he was like, " Yea, I'm not feeling them." Then I was like, " Oh well why even respond back." and then he goes, " Well I'm a polite guy and blah blah." Ok- End of convo. or so I thought...

He then comes back with some holier than thou message on how I should maximize my efficiency and quality hunt saying:

Just wanted to let you know, it deters quality guys when you do have so many gifts if you message them because

1) They check you out, hide the face, but most importantly
2) They ask themselves, how many other guys did she message to try to break the ice with? at a minimum the number of awards you have and the maximum would be who knows.

but can we discuss someone not 'liking' you because of your awards? Yes I'm a total slutwhorebitch loser for receiving a quote, (2) Brilliant Profile award, (1) Makes Me Laugh award, (1) Smarter than Average award, (2) Friends in Real Life award, (1) Shroud of Mystery Award, (1) Eye Candy award, and (1), Perfect mix award. I'm rolling in the awards ya'll...  So he was sitting there judging moi based on the awards I got--Mind you half of them are from girls who I'm friends with...yea. exactly.

Which I then reply:

WOW, I'm so glad you are such an excellent online profile analyst. What would I do without your years of experience.
Buddy, you are the only person who sat there and even gave a whoot about those awards. Speaking of which, half of them are from girls.
Anyways, makes a great topic for the journal.

wait, secondly-why do you even care. And don't say you don't-- because you messaged me about it.

He then comes back with a (note, I left spelling errors and all):

I dont gain anything from helping people, I just help people, its in my nature. And hey, no problem I am just a nice guy. ITs not the years of experience actually, I have been lucky to be a successful businessman in my youth, as well as who attends a prestigious business academic program, and I know successful males that have their pick of women, and our discussions include how we effeciently use the online methods finding potential dates as well as we effeciently meet women in person whom we see as potential dates. Usually successful, attractive men have a similar thought process and "not wasting our time" is one of our common tendancies. seeing that you were seeking quality men I thought I would give you some pointers. You didnt know men as I know them, as I dont know women as you know them, therefore I knew this would help. Good luck out there!

To which I so eloquently reply:

1. Success is relative.
2. Help is relative in this case also--I did not ask for your 'help'--nor what you are telling me is 'help' either.
3. You honestly cannot speak for 'successful, attractive men' because refer to #1 and let us add that attractive is also relative.
4. What you did not like, 8 x more other males did. Hence why I have a 'red' dot and actual CEOs and OTHER successful businessmen asking me out.
5. I'm not interested in someone who trips over something so trivial as 'awards' on a dating site. I am interested in the people who message/respond to me commending my profile for its humor, wit, and shock value-- which was the entire point. If it just so happened to go above and beyond your head, I suppose that's your problem and not mine.
6. Don't offer people 'help' who never asked for it. You see, if no one asks for it-- as a successful business man, you ought to know that it's a form of 'wasting your time'--and you don't want to do that now, do you? This is clearly not efficient in any sort of way.

*P.S.-- I'm seriously questioning whether you figured out my first initial response was sarcasm or not...

C'mon Son. He should have NOT gone there with me. Does he know me? Fuck no. Do you truly know anyone on this site just based on their profile. Hell. To. The. No. (unless you know them in real life). So what makes YOU think you have some expertise/Authority to offer unsolicited help? No. Just no. And that's why you look like a jackass in the end.

BUT HEY-- if you all are looking for a QUALITY man who's self-righteousness and hypocritical piousness is so pungent that it spills over the okCupid waves..here's his profile:

His name is Jake, he's 22...and he's new to this internet thing....perhaps he needs to fall off his high horse and crack a skull open.

Excuse me while I go finish choking from his smug fumes.

OKC Journal: Sometimes...

Sometimes I just want to tell you men, "Shut the F*ck up and let me ride your d*ck"

That is all.


OKC Journal: Let me tell you who is WACK-->

These type of people are wack:

The ones who get on their profiles and say they are ashamed to have an okc profile, 'new' to this online dating thing, feel weird being online, 'not willing to meet someone offline', and all things under the sun pertaining to this...

You all are some Bonafide D*ck Dabblin' Bullshitttters. Grow a pair, Man up, and own up--ok?

If you truly feel that way, you DO know there is a "delete profile" option, right?

Anyway, when I read those type of profiles... I'm like..uhhhhh you know you don't have to be here-- and since you are--you ought to not shy away from it or front and act like "this is new for you" or "I'm embarrassed to be here." I'm sorry. That mess is not cute. At all.

Don't contact me if you are are one of those sorry individuals who fuels/adds to  that unnecessary  stigma of  online dating/socializing of. Hmmmmm I'm not feeling it. Not feeling it.

Point Blank: Nothing is wrong with meeting people via the internet. You should not be ashamed. You should never look at it as a last option. Remember-- there is no right or wrong way to meet people. Take moi for example-- I'm JUST as social offline as online. I get equally buck on here as I do on the streets.

That is all, class.

P.S. If some of you mofos are going to refer to me not showing my face and equate it to being ashamed-- I advise you to read an earlier journal post, ok? So check yourself before you wreck yourself.