
As If I Even Know What I'm Doing Here..Let alone you..

Friday, June 24, 2011

Ahh.. it's ...it's... ALIVE. Okcupid Black Woman Test Pt. 2

Well, as you read the last post you'd see that profile was....whooo... it was something else. The response was overwhelming...in fact SO overwhelming and QUITE interesting that I decided to keep a journal on the site. As of now, they phased out the journal option and as a result I'm not transferring the journal posts INSPIRED by that experience onto this blog. And ya'll KNOW it's juicy.

So people somehow think I really was running some type of formal social experiment.... this was definitely an amateur type one that I simply kept mental notes of it.... ..not field notes. So you can ask me my 'results' but please know and understand I will not have some typed up 100+ page report of it.

This IS what's funny about the whole situation though... and yet the complex part in explaining. I AM the profile, that profile IS me, but it was supposed to simply be like a window shopper version of me for other people--- as in they were windowshopping and I was in the window as an unattainable-out-of-reach item. I wasn't expecting to really go out on dates or assume the personality so strongly of that profile..but somehow in the process, I merged strongly with the profile and it began to become r.e.a.l-- as in I actually started meeting people off that site.  Part of it was cathartic because that's REALLY how I am, and if someone can see that and accept it-- all the better. I'm not going to hide it and if they ain't down with it--then they aren't for me.  Yet, it really made me think about what I studied and the whole process of qualitative research and how you don't produce some separate product when you research (as in nothing can be produced objectively), but rather it is a mix between your subject and you---and it must be noted. It is your experience + the one you attempted to document-- it creates something new... and then it's .....alive.ALIVE I tell you.  Weird, right? I know...

Anyway, look forward to the journal posts.

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