
As If I Even Know What I'm Doing Here..Let alone you..

Friday, June 24, 2011

How sick is this? So the white man saves everyone pt. 2

This idiot responded with a white supremacist on a soap box response--that I just almost had a heart attack over---and for that reason, I must bow out of this debate because it's going to kill me.I can't reason with morons.  It's sad..really sad. There's just too DAMN much to respond to here that I'm just going to hand it over to the newstation/radio station.  Was it 2011 last time I checked? Anyway, this is just for you all's entertainment so you can check out some of the humans who you still share the same breathing air with.
Yea so if you all had not been following: This guy who's this pompous smug asshole just tried to dictate to me how the white man has improved the world enormously..and if it had not been for them the whole world would have been in chaos.
oh they helped them alright....

I almost had a heartattack. I HOPE most people out there don't think like this..

I would LOVE to discuss the reality of your comment at the end of this note.

Lets talk about the NATIVES and INDIGENOUS PEOPLES white men brought to CIVLIZATION.

1) Indigenous and Native peoples in recorded history have treated Women as second class citizen, dogs one might say, compared to their WHITE counterparts in the CIVILIZED World. Now women have always been treated sub par to men, even now, but the societies of natives/indigenous peopls COMPARED to the whites of their time ALWAYS treated their women LESS EQUALLY than the WHITES. NAME A PEOPLE AND A TIME and tell me when whites treated women worse? never happened, we actually ALLOW women to be EDUCATED, OWN PROPERTY, have inheritence. At any point in time, PRIMITIVE cultures like the native americans, incas, aztecs, AFRICAN TRIBES, ALL treated their women FAR INFERIOR to whites in terms of BASIC RIGHTS/QUALITY of living. In fact, it is STILL SEEN TODAY in muslim, african, chinese and native american cultures, where the women are SHUNNED and looked as MUCH LESS valuable than a man. Whites brought better chances of equality to women DONE.

2.) Lets talk about Africa. After the African Tribes sold their own people into slavery (this is what happened 95% of the time, whites didnt just go over with some big net and capture them) Africans went through slavery and inequality times over several years for what? Hmm.. The average african american lives at a FAR SUPERIOR standard of living than the average african. Why the hell is that? Africans that were ENSLAVED YEARS LATER somehow LIVING MUCH BETTER than the AFRICAN FREE MEN in AFRICA they were SOLD BY? I guess living with white people harmed the africans more huh? What about all the countries that kicked out their leadership that was white? Why is the northern part of africa have less poverty rates, better economy, education, etc than countries in middle sound east and west africa?

3) Why is it that the Indian(Asia) Culture (conquered by Whites), Chinese People (brought to power by Russians who supported communism), Japanese (conquered by whites), Mexicans/SouthAmericans (counquered by Europeans) , how the hell are all these RACES here in the USA, came here GENERATIONS AFTER BLACKS gained equal rights, doing far superior than the blacks in 1) Education 2) Standard of Living/Prosperity 3) Incarciration Rate 4) Health (Low STD Rate) 5) Less Single mothers who get abandoned by their fathers..... Is it because the "black" culture is INFERIOR to that of these other NON WHITE cultures? do these cultures THRIVE the WHITE MANS world after 1 Generation? Gee, White people do provide opportunity. (we are still 65% of the total population and started this USA you live in)

4.) Africa and Native Americans before Europeans,witness Thousands killed by HUMAN SACRIFICE, including that where the heart is cut out of the person alive, HUNDREDS of warring tribes fighting with each other. 1) No Education System 2) No Governing Structure to promote a Society 3) Lower Life Span 4) CONSOLIDATED LEGAL SYSTEM 5) I can go on here

Africa and Native Americans after Europeans 1) Longer Life Span 2) Structured Government 3) Society Structure that promoted INCREASED equality for opportunities amongst different classes of people, women, etc.

The cultures that still exist today, that are indigenous and "native" all treat women like second class citizens, these are non-little westernized cultures like Muslim nations, Africans, Primitive Asian Cultures

You are a complete moron and not even in the same LEAGUE as me to talk historical analysis, I completely DESTROYED your analysis of the white man HELPING PEOPLE. I just laid it all out. They did help people, the facts are there, the results are there, In every single case, the sacrifices the culture made initially were benefited from GENERATIONS into the future and the consequence was a HUGE BENEFIT To their culture for centuries to come.
Do blacks go back to try to be in old african culture? IF what the white man conquered was still tight, blacks and other races that hace cultures/traditions still remaining, would flock back, but thats not the case. They EMBRACE our culture of EQUALITY.

Look at EVERY SINGLE Culture left remaining untouched in the wilderness or practicing non western ways and you will see women treated like ANIMALS. When you do a race to race comparison over the last few hundreds of years, women in WHITE societies consistently have more rights on the average than women in primitive NON WHITE societies.

This is what you said..... "with a complete disregard for their ways, practices and standards." Answer : You GOD DAMN right he made them treat women with more equality, put a structured goernance, structured legal system, and structured EDUCATION SYSTEM SO PEOPLE CAN HAVE MORE KNOWLEDGE>>>MUCH BENIFIT !!!!! HELOOOOOOOOO

Historically white men thought it their duty to "help" natives and indigenous peoples, thinking that they were civilizing them and showing them THE WAY. Nope, you could not tell them any different, they KNEW they were right. Did these peoples ask for their help? No. But by God the White men knew what they were doing and were hell bent pressed on "helping them" with a complete disregard for their ways, practices and standards.

---- how sick is all of this?
If you care to write--here's his profile.

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